
Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Better Late than Never

Woo-hoo! I just found out from a mid-January post on George R.R. Martin's website that HBO will be producing his fantasy series, beginning with A Game of Thrones. Mid-January is just about the time that the new season of Rome started and I turned to Tyson and said, "You know what they should make a show on? The Martin series." You can be prescient but still two months behind the news, right?

Anyway, that started my day off just great. Then it was 90 degrees again and the only place I have a/c is in my car. Then I found out that when you apply for a job and don't hear from anyone for four weeks, you aren't getting it. Then I couldn't get a haircut because my girl doesn't work on Wednesdays. For having such an auspicious start, this turned out to be a day of disappointments. Fortunately, I am at home now with my cup of yogurt, my computer, and a cat on my lap to make it all better.

Here's hoping all your disappointments are minor ones.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What job did you apply for?

Erin, I applied for the job I have now in early December. I interviewed on 3/8 and started on 3/19.

It's incredibly chaotic and demanding and I didn't ask for nearly enough, but it's social work and I love social work. I love connecting people's dots when, for whatever reason, they can't do it for themselves.